Bongiwe Sibanda

BABCP Accredited CBT Psychotherapist

EMDR Practitioner

Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapist

Registered Mental Health Nurse

Bongiwe Sibanda

BABCP Accredited CBT Psychotherapist

EMDR Practitioner

Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapist

Registered Mental Health Nurse


Evidence based therapy is a therapy that has been studied and tested with clinical research and has evidence showing that the therapy is reliable and effective. Practitioners are trained to deliver evidence-based therapy in line with each individuals’ needs. In the United Kingdom, The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) regulates what treatment practitioners should be offering based on the best evidence available. They also keep on top of new research and effectiveness of treatment.

Although the therapies I offer are for individuals, I can also work with parent, carers, partners or significant others around psychoeducation, improving communication and discussing the best way to support you through your journey in therapy. This can be in the form of joint sessions, or meeting with them separately. 

To get the most out of therapy, it is important that it happens frequently.Ideally, we would meet on the same day and at the same time each week.  There may be room for flexibility on occasion. Understandably there may be a week where we may not be able to meet, however if we start to have long breaks between sessions or multiple cancellations, we may need to re-evaluate whether this is the right time for you to commit to regular therapy sessions.

The therapy modalities that I offer are short term therapies with our aim towards meeting your therapy goals and ideally, for you to get to a place where you eventually don’t need me. Sessions can range from 5 to 20 sessions depending on your individual needs and the progress you make in therapy. In my experience, sometimes people have needed more, sometimes less. There is no one size fits all. Throughout our sessions, we will review your progress and work together towards reaching your goals.

Absolutely. Anything we discuss in our sessions is kept between us. If there is any information that I think would be helpful to share, for example, with your GP, we would have that discussion first and I would need your consent to do so. There are exceptions however, mainly if there are significant risk concerns to you or to others. Please see our privacy notice for more information.